The Journey my Body revisits

Women and Hormones!

The role hormones play and the cause and effect in a woman's body is not unknown to us! But what we need to delve into further is to make sure it's in our favor... this is where Fitness and Exercise come into the discussion!

Women at different age groups go through hormone-affected imbalances.

PCOD, PCOS, LH: FSH count, AMH TSH levels, Pre-Menopause, Menopause to name a few.

Dance, as an exercise, along with appropriate body stretches, pilates, and yoga helps to keep these levels in control, which in turn keeps the body and mind health aligned!

This is where I present to you my story... it comes from my personal experience, so I vouch for what Dance can do for one's well-being and sanity!

I embraced motherhood with my firstborn one day shy of my 40th birthday! A smooth-sailing pregnancy helped me work until the last day before I decided to undergo a C-section. Even during my pregnancy, despite a 'try not to' from my doctor, I couldn't resist a few days when I danced it out.

My gynaecologist, on every visit, made a point to specify that my dance and my being physically active have been beneficial to my conceiving and nourishing my embryo. Her take on the fitness factor extended to suggesting her patients join dance and fitness classes, using me as an example.

Four months into postpartum, and I'm back to dancing and exercising... leading a class I call BOLLYROBICS, with as much energy and enthusiasm as before.

Reflecting on the past, my body had been through various traumas over the years, including an almost fatal accident at the age of 16 years, which had me hospitalized for over a month and a half, on bed rest for more than four months, followed by ten ortho, maxillofacial, and cosmetic surgeries over 15 years. What a huge intake of medicines and anesthesia does to the human body is no mystery. But how the body combats it, if you have given it enough strength and endurance, becomes evident in these instances. Yes, I did have age as my plus point, but 24 years later, I still feel no effects of that trauma.

My body and mind endured all these willingly and with a smile, mainly because I had accepted the situation and largely because my body had always been active through dance!

I still dance with a rod in my right leg (femur) and multiple metal screws in my face.

The happiness and content that dance and music give me make me - me! And just to add to this, dance is not my profession or something that provides my bread! I am a dress designer, an entrepreneur. I have been running a boutique successfully for the past 16 years!

Dance and Bollyrobics give my body the impetus to strive. It is the human body, after all, and we don't know what lies ahead; but up until now, I thank my body for being very kind to me.

This brings me to encourage all to please take up some form of fitness. If the indoors and monotony of the gym do not appeal to you, as they do not to me, take up music and dance! Give your body this gift, make your mind happy!


PS: In this world of AI and chat GPT, these words are generated straight from the heart... an impromptu thought to share my feelings... 'Nothing Artificial about it' πŸ€—

Sharing an article about me back in the year 2K

Dancing my way into last trimester ..

One month to go..

Less than ten days to go ...

Forty days postpartum

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